Marco Tulio has been teaching at Guignard Art School (UEMG) since 1979 at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has taken part in examination boards at the Federal Universities of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, and has been appointed as a jury member for the selection of works that were shown in such salons and galleries as the Itaú Cultural Institute, UFMG Cultural Center, Clovis Salgado Foundation, CEMIG, and in the Salon of the City Hall of Belo Horizonte. He has also held several workshops and lectures at the UFMG Winter Festivals in Minas Gerais, at the UFES Summer Festivals in Espírito Santo, at the Art Foundation in Brasilia, and at SESC in São Paulo.
The following art critics have written articles about his work: Marcus Lontra, Márcio Sampaio, Celma Alvim, Affonso Henrique Renault, Antônio Gonçalves Filho, Ângelo Oswaldo Araújo, Walter Sebastião, Agnaldo Farias, Aracy Amaral, Tadeu Chiarelli, Moacyr Laterza, Vera Casa Nova and Joëlle Busca.
References to Marco Tulio are made in the following books: A Century of the History of Fine Arts in Belo Horizonte (1997), Publisher: C/Arte, organized by Pedro Fernando da Silva and Marilia Andrés Ribeiro; in the magazine Módulo, number 99, September-October 1988; Brazilian Art, São Paulo, Publisher: JC, Volume II (2002 ) and Volume V (2004); Marco Tulio Resende - Presentation (1999 ), Circuito Atelier, Belo Horizonte, second edition in 2005, Publisher: C/Art; Brésil I'héritage africain (2005), Musée Dapper, Paris , Éditions Dapper; The Art Book Brasil - Abstracts (2007 ), Publisher: Décor ; Among Salons (2010 ), National Art Salon, organized by the Pampulha Art Museum, Belo Horizonte/MG, Publisher: Rona, and in the book Crafts Workshop 2 (2004), Sylvio Coutinho Moacyr Laterza, Belo Horizonte .
His works are included in the collections of MAM - Rio de Janeiro, MAM - São Paulo, Pampulha Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art of Paraná, and in the private collections of Gilberto Chateaubriand and João Satamini, among others.